Since becoming a mom I have found products that I have tried & sincerely love & use everyday. We received such a variety of things at his baby shower that lasted us about a whole year which was so helpful! Here was my favorites!
1. Diaper Bag – I got this diaper bag in black & it is perfect for everyday. It has storage for a lot of different necessities & perfect for dads to wear too.
2. Pacifier – I have to keep buying these because Apollo keeps eating the pacifiers. So here we are probably about to be whole foods number 1 buyer haha But seriously these are Darius’ favorite pacifiers & he will only soothe himself to sleep with these. You can also purchase them at whole foods.
3. Pacifier Clip – In the beginning I was missing pacifiers & they would fall & roll somewhere then I found this perfect clip pacifier holder. I attach them onto his shirt & it is always there if he wants to grab it. So convenient.
4. Neck Support Pillow – These are great for when he is just hanging out & I lay him down during the day in his stroller or swing. He is so much more content when I use these because it supports his head & makes it easier for him to fall asleep comfortably!
5. Baby Blue Blanket – We dropped his baby blanket in the airport a few weeks ago going through security & I was on the plane so sad as if I missed the flight or something. haha But seriously I hate loosing things! This was the BLANKET.
6. Zebra Piano – I actually bought this the other day & I have fun playing it with him! There is all different instrument sounds, a microphone that he can sing into, & it plays songs automatically if they don’t feel like pressing the buttons. It’s quite the light show 🙂
7. Diapers – Huggies are the best. Maybe because they have Mickey on them 😉 But really, they have a yellow line on the front of them & when he pees the diaper line changes to blue so you know if it has to be changed or not! I don’t know why when I first found that out I thought that was such a good idea haha
8. Baby Carrier – I didn’t really understand the importance of a baby carrier until I got one! What a life saver. If you want to have yours hands free while holding your baby this is the perfect carrier. I tried 2 other carriers that were cheaper & it wasn’t as supportive for him as the baby Bjorn carrier is. My favorite.
9. Bouncer – Usually while I am cooking dinner or on the computer I put this right next to me & he stands up, laughs, smiles, & loves playing with the toys & stares at himself for like 20 minutes in the mirror (not kidding). lol So entertaining though, really!
10. Swing – In the beginning of the sleepless nights in the first few months this saved us & he was in it more times then not. I would strap him in & he would sit & swing for hours which soothed him while he was sleeping.
11. Sophie the Giraffe Teether – He loves this specific teether so much, it is easy for him to hold & he carries it with him everywhere.
12. Baby Jogger Citi Mini GT Stroller – Honestly this is the best stroller. You can push it effortlessly (literally with one finger), perfect for walking or running. If you are traveling it folds up quickly & easy. I love my City Mini Jogger & would definitely recommend it!
13. Bath Soap – The lavender soap is my favorite especially before bedtime because it has a calming scent. I always say it helps me tired before bed too! It is all in one shampoo & body wash & smells amazing!
14. Organic Onesies – I love these organic cotton onesies. It has been chilly here in Florida lately & this is perfect for inside in the air condition or outside when it’s chilly. I love matching cute hats & socks with it too 🙂
15. Baby Einstein Musical Toy – Thank goodness for this quick & simple toy for him. It is the perfect toy for when we are sitting there & busy so he has something to hold & focus on. It lights up & has a few different songs & super easy for him to press while holding!
16. Newborn Boppy Lounger– Darius used this in the very beginning when he was a few months old & he would watch cartoons or hang out on the bed with us while he was lounging in his boppy. I kind of wish I had a boppy! haha
17. Activity Cube – now that Darius can sit up he has been playing with this activity cube & loves it!
18. Bathtub – At our baby shower I received this bathtub & another one. This is my absolute favorite because of the shape & canopy he has to rest while he gets a bath. It fills up to the top & it still has his whole upper body out of the water which is safe to know because the other one the water was up to his ears!
19. Portable Changing Pad – Perfect for traveling or on the go!
20. Wash Cloths – These are honestly the softest wash cloths ever! I even got Daryoush & I them since they are so soft. These are perfect for Darius’ in the bathtub or even to clean him up after he eats.
That is what I have for now! I will share more soon & feel free to share any of your favorites in the comments! Would love to hear!
Such inspiring
| Alex | Christmas in Style With Party Dresses
Lovely post!
xx | Carina
This is so adorable!
Kirsten Thyra | kirstenthyra.com
Great list of mommy must haves. That photo of you and your baby is adorable.
You and your baby look so adorable and hun, these are some great mummy must haves.
Love this post! That picture is so adorable!
Nice post, I like it 🙂
new post
Aw congratulations, love! I’ll be saving all of these items for when I’m ready!
xx http://www.qustomquinns.com/blog
Such a wonderful list to have – I’m expecting a niece in the next few months and this will be a big help in coming up with a useful gift. Aren’t the bouncers the best? They learn to entertain themselves for an entire 20 minutes….an eternity to a new mother 😛
Thanks for sharing what works for you! I am finally beyond the diaper bags and diapers and having to pack up all the things for errands!
Wonderful tips, dear! ♥ really useful post!
Awww how sweet! I love the picture of you and your little one! Precious!
Very helpful post! 🙂
Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram
Thank you ♡
Thank you so much Xx ♡
Thank you Xx
Thank you ♡ Xx
I’m happy you do! ♡
♡ They are all so good ♡
I always say bouncers are the best baby invention! Lol 20 min does feel like an eternity while their playing! Congratulations on your niece ♡
Of course! Happy New Year beautiful! ♡
Thank you ♡
Thank you so much ♡
Thank you Jessica ♡
Cutie cutie baby
oooh I have a friend of mine whose going to be a mom soon and she’s been having some questions about baby related products. I’ll forward this to her. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you 💗 Have a wonderful happy new year! Xx
Awesome blog post! Keep up the good work!
Have a great weekend ahead!
Much love, Len
Wow, you are one fab mama! Congratulations to you and have a healthy and happy 2019 for you and your family!
Such a cute list – will definitely try to remember this one for later 😉
Cute pic you two ♥
You and your baby are extremely cute! You guys stay blessed <3
Awwww ♡ Thank you so much Dessy!